Our Story
Caviar King are purveyors of the finest Russian caviar available to the Hong Kong market. Exclusively sourced through Suppliers located on the Caspian Sea in Astrakhan, Russia, the caviar is harvested from sustainably farmed sturgeon and properly sanctioned for export under the CITES* agreement.
The sturgeon species, Beluga (Huso huso), Osetra (Acipenser gueldenstadtii) and Sevruga (Acipenser stellatus) are all native to the Caspian Sea. Bred in hatcheries in the flowing waters of the Volga river, they are reared in the conditions of their natural habitat. Raising them in this environment and feeding them “kilka” (sprat) enhances the quality and taste of the caviar. The Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) is native to the Siberian River basin in the north of Russia.
Caviar King’s fresh Russian caviar is packaged and shipped in its natural state, without preservatives or pasteurization, and with a minimal amount of salt (malossal). Our product has a shelf-life of 60-70 days with proper storage between 2°C and -2°C (no freezing).
Four quality fresh caviar products are available: Beluga, Premium Osetra, Siberian Sturgeon and Sevruga. Our caviar is only available online through the Caviar King website (www.caviarking.com.hk).
Caviar King supplies both the retail and wholesale markets in Hong Kong and provides free delivery within Hong Kong. All orders for caviar are shipped in specially insulated thermo-cooler bags with frozen ice packs suitable for maintaining at least 8-10 hours of constant temperature.
For wholesale and trade purchases please contact us at info@caviarking.com.hk.
*CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).