Beluga Caviar
The Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) is a large fish that can live for more than 100 years and weigh over one ton. Its caviar is among the largest of the sturgeon family and can reach a size of up to 4.0 mm in diameter. It ranges in colour from almost black to light grey and is considered by many caviar connoisseurs to be the best amongst all caviar. It is also the most expensive as it comprises less than 5% of total global caviar production. Prepared "Malossol" (lightly salted), Beluga caviar is known for its subtle buttery flavor and should be served spooned directly into the mouth or spread on blinis accompanied with a little creme fraiche.
Our Beluga Caviar is packed in tins of size 30g, 50g, 125g, 250g, and 500g. The shelf life is between 30 to 45 days when properly stored and refrigerated (no freezing) between -2°C to +2°C but should be consumed within a few days after opening.